Dynamics of changes in lipid metabolism indices in organs and tissues of experimental animals under adrenaline stress
adrenalin, stress, triacylglycerols, cholesterol.Abstract
Diseases of human population, especially in the countries with high level of urbanization, are more often associated now with the influence of different stresses, including emotional one, which is accompanied by adrenaline release. It has been investigated the effect of adrenaline on triacylglycerol (TAG) and cholesterol (CL) content in different tissues of Wistar rats. It has been determined that under short-term adrenaline load (single injection of adrenaline followed by sample collection after 30 min) TAG level in blood plasma decreased and simultaneously increased in liver. At the same time CL concentration in blood plasma decreased, while increased in liver and muscles. Double injection of adrenaline followed by sample collection after 30 min caused a decrease in TAG concentration in blood plasma and its increase in liver. Twenty four hours after double adrenaline injection it has been observed decreased TAG and CL levels in blood plasma, whereas it has not differed significantly from control in muscles and liver. Such changes of lipid metabolism under adrenaline stress should be taken into account during evaluation of pathologic process in certain organs.
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