The role of m1-cholinergic receptors in associative cortex of young rats in the performing autonomous regulation of heart rate during hypoxic exposure


  • N. M. Volkova



m1-cholinergic receptors, young rats, functional asymmetry.


It is known that human cholinergic transmission in the cerebral cortex required for cognitive and behavioral reactions. However, in the literature there is not enough experimental data on the role of m1‑cholinergic receptors in associative cortex in young rats with incubation in hypoxic environment under conditions of low atmospheric pressure, considering the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. The aim of the experiment was to determine the functional consequences of blocking m1‑cholinergic receptors in the associative cortex in young rats with incubation in hypoxic environment under conditions of low atmospheric pressure. Functional consequences of blocking m1 cholinergic receptors in the associative cortex in young rats with incubation in hypoxic environment under conditions of low atmospheric pressure are different in the case of right-sided and left-sided application of pirenzepin.


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How to Cite

Volkova, N. M. (2015). The role of m1-cholinergic receptors in associative cortex of young rats in the performing autonomous regulation of heart rate during hypoxic exposure. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(4).

