Application of keratoxenoimplant in the cases of experimental chemical burn of the cornea associated with hypothyroidism


  • Z. L. Savchuk
  • I. M. Klishch



The article analyzes the efficacy of keratoimplant of pigs in rabbits with corneal chemical burns with underlying
merkazolil-induced hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism in rabbits was caused by injection of merkazolil at a dose of
10 mg/kg during 60 days. Chemical burn of the cornea was simulated by applications on the cornea of experimental
animals filter paper of 5 mm in diameter soaked in a solution of 1 N sodium hydroxide (NaOH) during 30 seconds.
With the purpose of surgical correction the place of burn injuries was covered with keratoxenoimplant which was sewn
in 4 places (after 12, 15, 18 and 21 hours) to the sclera through the conjunctiva with the help of atraumatic needle
8/0 nylon. It was established that corneal burn injury in rabbits with hypothyroidism ran against the background of
oppression of nonspecific factors of protection, more expressive growth of endogenous intoxication, depression of
antioxidant protection as compared to euthyroid animals with simulated chemical burn of the cornea. Application of
keratoxenoimplant contributed to the normalization of the studied parameters and faster healing of burn wounds. It
was concluded that the application of keratoxenoimplant under conditions of chemical burn of the cornea positively
affected the course of the burn process and promoted more rapid restoration of the integrity of the cornea.


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How to Cite

Savchuk, Z. L., & Klishch, I. M. (2015). Application of keratoxenoimplant in the cases of experimental chemical burn of the cornea associated with hypothyroidism. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(3).

