Morphological and functional state of liver of sex matured females of white rats in the conditions of experimental toxic hepatitis


  • L. Ye. Lymar



Parafunctions of organs of the reproductive system occupy one of the main places among gynaecological diseases
and are the issue of the day, because they result not only in the loss of capacity but also decline of reproductive function.
Concomitant diseases play a considerable role in the development of this pathology. Women of reproductive age
often have combination of violations of menstrual function with chronic hepatitis of different genesis. With the aim of
the detailed study and analysis of the indicated problem an experimental study was undertaken. We made a model
of chronic toxic hepatitis for the sex matured females of white rats. There were studied the results of morphological
changes in the liver of experimental animals, state of enzymatic, protein-synthesizing liver functions in the conditions
of experimental toxic hepatitis and their correlation with the results of clinical and biochemical researches. 50 sex
matured females of white rats were examined whom chronic toxic hepatitis (CT H) was modelled.


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How to Cite

Lymar, L. Y. (2015). Morphological and functional state of liver of sex matured females of white rats in the conditions of experimental toxic hepatitis. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(2).

