Applying of endogenous cardioprotection for the correction of humoral immunity in experimental diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia


  • H. S. Saturska



It was studied the effect of early use of trimetazidine on changes in the Ig М, Ig G, Ig А concentration in blood
serum of rats with different innate resistance to hypoxia at stages 7, 14 and 30 days of diffuse ischemic-necrotic
cardiosclerosis. The comparison of the studied parameters at each stage of observation between groups treated
and untreated animals was done. The results were analyzed using the latest achievements in this field. It was done
the conclusion about the feasibility of early use of trimetazidine in the development of myocardial fibrosis.


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How to Cite

Saturska, H. S. (2015). Applying of endogenous cardioprotection for the correction of humoral immunity in experimental diffuse cardiosclerosis in rats with different resistance to hypoxia. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(2).

