The influence of thiotriazoline on the change of immune system in the blood of guinea-pigs under the conditions of development of experimental bronchial asthma


  • M. S. Reheda
  • М. А. Kolishetska
  • V. R. Yurevych



The aim of our research was to determine the character of the role and functional state of separate indexes
of the immune system in blood of guinea-pigs under the conditions of the development of experimental bronchial
asthma (BA ) and estimation of thiotriazoline influence on them. Decreasing of T-lymphocytes, stimulation of humoral
link of immunity, namely increasing of B-lymphocytes and immunoglobulins of A, M and G, elevation of circulatory
immune complexes and slump of complement blood plasma activity had been determined in this research. Immune
correcting action of thiotriazoline upon the pointed out indices in case of BA is revealed.


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How to Cite

Reheda, M. S., Kolishetska М. А., & Yurevych, V. R. (2015). The influence of thiotriazoline on the change of immune system in the blood of guinea-pigs under the conditions of development of experimental bronchial asthma. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(2).

