thick extract from spinach leaves, oxidative modification of proteins, antioxidant system, superoxide dismutase activity, reduced glutathioneAbstract
Introduction. The liver is a barrier to the entry of toxic substances into the body, since it is in it that metabolism and their neutralization take place, that is, it is a target organ for the action of toxic chemicals. The search for potential hepatoprotectors has been carried out in recent years among a large number of medicinal substances of various origins and structures, but the most promising were natural, mostly plant-derived, agents.
The aim of the study – to investigate the effect of a thick extract from spinach garden leaves on the development of oxidative stress in the body of rats with tetrachloromethane liver damage.
Research Methods. The study of the antioxidant properties of a thick extract from spinach garden leaves was carried out on a model of rat liver damage with tetrachloromethane, which was administered in the form of a 50 % oil solution at a dose of 1.0 ml/kg of animal body weight. One of the groups of animals was injected with the experimental extract at a dose of 150 mg/kg of body weight. The herbal hepatoprotector silymarin, which rats received in the form of a 1 % starch suspension at a dose of 100 mg/kg of body weight, served as a comparison drug. The animals were removed from the experiment under thiopental anesthesia in compliance with all rules for work with vertebrate animals. The content of products of oxidative modification of proteins and reduced glutathione was determined in blood serum and liver, and superoxide dismutase activity was determined in the liver. Parametric (according to Student) and non-parametric (according to Wilcoxon) research methods were used for statistical data processing.
Results and Discussion. It was established that during 10 days in the blood serum of rats affected by tetrachloromethane, the content of products of oxidative modification of proteins, both basic and neutral, increased progressively. By the end of the study, the content of neutral OMP in blood serum increased by 2 times, in the liver – by 1.4 times. During the experiment, the content of reduced glutathione decreased (p<0.05) and superoxide dismutase activity in the liver (by 1.65 times on the 10th day of the study). The spinach extract used by us led to the normalization of the studied indicators and its effectiveness was practically no different from silymarin. Its use in tetrachloromethane-affected animals led to inhibition of oxidative processes, in particular oxidative modification of proteins, and an increase in superoxide dismutase activity and the content of reduced glutathione, which indicates the restoration of the activity of the antioxidant system.
Conclusion. A thick extract from spinach garden leaves showed a pronounced antioxidant effect under the conditions of tetrachloromethane damage to the liver, which makes it appropriate to further research it as an antioxidant agent.
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