cranioskeletal trauma, chronic hepatitis, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ArmadinAbstract
Introduction. Combined injury of cranium and skeletal bones are characterized by significant severity and high mortality. The influence of concomitant disease caused by chronic diffuse liver disorders is not fully discovered. The intensification of lipid peroxidation and exhaustion of antioxidant protection have place in both pathological processes and touches all organs and tissues.
The aim of the study – to determine the dynamics of the activity of antioxidant protection enzymes in kidneys in case of cranioskeletal trauma and chronic hepatitis and evaluate effectiveness of correction with Armadin.
Research Methods. Cranioskeletal trauma, chronic hepatitis and its combination was modelled in separate groups of white male rats. Armadin 20 mg/kg was used to provide treatment in group with combined injury, which was administered intraperitoneally. After 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after the damage application in kidney of experimental animals superoxide dismutase and catalase activity was detected.
Results and Discussion. Application of cranioskeletal trauma in case of chronic hepatitis in all periods of observations causes significant decrease of investigated parameters of antioxidant kidney protection compared to control with reaching the minimum level after 21 days and increase up to 35th day which doesn’t reach the control level. The magnitude of evaluated parameters in all timeframes of posttraumatic period is significantly lower than in injured rats without chronic hepatitis. The use of Armadin with cranioskeletal trauma and chronic hepatitis compared to the analogue group without hepatitis causes significant increase of investigated parameters of antioxidant kidney protection starting from the 21st day of observation. Under these conditions kidney catalase activity starting from 28th day reaches the level of control group.
Conclusions. Application of cranioskeletal trauma in concomitant chronic hepatitis in the period of late manifestations of traumatic disease (after 14, 21, 28 and 35 days) compared to injured rats without chronic liver injury causes more significant decrease in the level of enzymes of antioxidant kidney protection (superoxide dismutase and catalase activity). The use of 2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyrydine succinate in rats with cranioskeletal injury and chronic hepatitis compared to the similar group without correction, starting from 21st after the application of trauma, causes significant increase of enzymes of antioxidant protection.
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