induced carcinogenesis, lipoperoxidation, oxidative modification of proteins, endogenous intoxication, Xeloda, GlutarginAbstract
Introduction. According to personalized data of the National Registry of Ukraine, colon cancer is one of the three most common types of cancer among Ukrainians of both sexes. Studying the mechanisms of the effect of cytostatic drugs on the development of colorectal cancer is an urgent problem today. Most of these agents cause side effects after their use, among which hepatotoxicity, cardiotoxicity and neurotoxicity are the most pronounced. In this case, it is advisable to use drugs that would eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy.
The aim of the study – to investigate the activity of free radical processes and the degree of endogenous intoxication in rats with induced colorectal cancer after the use of the cytostatic Xeloda and the hepatoprotector Glutargin.
Research Methods. The experiments were conducted on 72 white male rats in compliance with all the rules of the Convention on the Protection of Vertebrate Animals. Modeling of colorectal cancer was carried out with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine hydrochloride at a dose of 7.2 mg/kg of body weight. Some groups of animals against the background of the development of colorectal cancer received cytostatic Xelodu in a dose of 134 mg/kg of body weight. Several more groups of rats were exposed to the hepatoprotector Glutargin at a dose of 130 mg/kg of body weight to eliminate the side effect of Xeloda on the liver. Euthanasia was performed under thiopental anesthesia. The study was conducted every 30 days for 7 months. The content of products of lipoperoxidation and oxidative modification of proteins, as well as molecules of average mass in blood serum was determined.
Results and Discussion. Under the conditions of induced carcinogenesis, the content of TBA-active products increased in the blood serum and liver of rats, which reached a maximum at the 7th month of the study (in the blood serum it increased by 3.5 times, in the liver by 2.6 times). The use of Xeloda led to an even greater increase in this indicator. A similar increase during carcinogenesis and after the use of Xeloda was also noted for the products of oxidative modification of proteins of both neutral and basic nature. The introduction of the hepatoprotector Glutargin into the affected body caused a probable (p<0.05) decrease in these parameters. Along with an increase in oxidative processes in the liver of rats with induced carcinogenesis, an increase in the content of medium-mass molecules in blood serum was observed, as indicated by the distribution coefficient between both fractions (with a predominance of chain and aromatic amino acids). The use of Glutargin proved to be effective for this indicator as well.
Conclusions. The use of cytostatic Xeloda led to a more pronounced activation of lipoperoxidation processes and oxidative modification of proteins in the body of rats with experimental carcinogenesis. The effectiveness of the use of the hepatoprotector Glutargin to eliminate the side effect of Xeloda on the liver in rats with colorectal cancer has been confirmed, which makes it possible to recommend it for further research with the aim of introducing it into clinical practice.
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