Phyla scaberrima, leaves, essential oil, gas chromato-mass spectrometryAbstract
Introduction. Phyla scaberrima (Juss. Ex Pers.) Moldenke (Lippia dulcis Trevir.) from the Verbenaceae family is a perennial herbaceous plant which leaves have a characteristic lemon scent and sweet taste. Central America and Mexico are homelands of Phyla scaberrima. Phyla scaberrima has long been used in Mexico and Central America as a sweetener and as a medicinal plant, and has been used to treat colds, coughs, bronchitis, and digestive disorders as an anti-inflammatory, antitussive, antipyretic, expectorant, emollient, and diuretic agent. Despite numerous studies, the chemical composition of Phyla scaberrima remains poorly understood, especially in terms of the component composition of the essential oil.
The aim of the study – to determine the component composition of the essential oil in the leaves of Phyla scaberrima.
Research Methods. Determination of the component composition of volatile compounds was performed by gas chromato-mass spectrometry on an Agilent Technology 6890N chromatograph. To identify the components, the obtained spectra were considered on the basis of general laws of fragmentation of molecules of organic compounds under the action of electron impact, as well as by comparing the results with data from NIST02 mass spectrum libraries with a total spectrum of more than 470000 in combination the content was determined by the method of internal standards.
Results and Discussion. As a result of the researches 38 components of essential oil were found, of which 35 were identified in Phyla scaberrima leaves. The total content of the identified components of the studied essential oil was 693.46 μg/g. The dominant component of the essential oil of Phyla scaberrima leaves is the bicyclic monoterpenoid 1S-Camphor; among the sesquiterpenoids, the mononocyclic sesquiterpenoid α-Bisabolol, the bicyclic sesquiterpenoids caryophyllene, and δ-Cadinenes dominate.
Conclusions. The component composition of the essential oil of Phyla scaberrima leaves was studied by gas chromato-mass spectrometry, in which 38 components were found, of which 35 were identified. The following pharmacologically important components were found in a significant amount in the essential oil of Phyla scaberrima leaves – camphor, limonene, camphene from monoterpenoids, α-Bisabolol, caryophyllene, δ-Cadinenes, copaene, α-bisabolene from sesquiterpenoids, laxitopene prospects for further technological and pharmacological research of Phyla scaberrima raw materials.
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