antidepressants, tianeptine, chemical and toxicological research, thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatographyAbstract
Introduction. In Ukraine and around the world there is an increase in the use of psychotropic substances, which mainly affect the central nervous system. Accordingly, the number of acute poisonings by these drugs increases. From a toxicological point of view, tricyclic antidepressants and narcotics are the most important. Causes of poisoning can be the use of suicide and intoxication, overdose during treatment and uncontrolled use of drugs due to self-medication, In recent years, there has been a growing scientific interest in toxicological practice in the study of antidepressants and drugs. The situation is complicated by their joint use with drugs or other psychoactive substances.
The aim of the study – to develop methods for the identification of tianeptine and morphine in biological fluids (urine) in the joint presence of thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), mass spectrometry (MS).
Research Methods. Aqueous solutions of standard samples of tianeptine and morphine; chromatographic systems: toluene-acetone-96 % ethyl alcohol-25% ammonia solution (45: 45: 7,5: 2,5), ethyl acetate-methanol-25 % ammonia solution (85: 10: 5), ethanol-methylene chloride-25 % ammonia solution (57.5: 40: 2.5); Marki and Dragendorf reagents; gas chromatograph Agilent 1100 2C / MSD SL were used during the study.
Results and Discussion. Identification of tianeptine and morphine was performed by identification reactions, thin layer chromatography (TLC). The optimal chromatographic system is ethanol 96 %: methylene chloride: 25 % ammonia solution (57.5: 40: 2.5); developer – Mark’s reagent. The parameters of substance identification in these conditions are established: retention time, spectral ratios of substances, absorption spectra in UV spectra.
Conclusion. A method for detecting tianeptine and morphine by thin-layer chromatography on Sorbfil PTSH plates, a method for determining tianeptine and morphine using high-performance liquid chromatography, a method for identifying tianeptine and morphine by mass spectrometry were developed. The optimal conditions for the isolation of tianeptine and morphine in the joint presence of model mixtures of bioliquid (urine) were determined.
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