barley, rye, amino acids, ion exchange liquid-column chromatographyAbstract
Introduction. Amino acids have multi-vector pharmacological activity, so the search for new sources of amino acids and the study of their composition in medicinal plants is relevant.
The aim of the study – to learn the high-quality composition of amino acids and determine their content in the herb of the barley and rye.
Research Methods. The identification and determination of the quantitative content of amino acids was carried out by the method of ion exchange fluid-column chromatography.
Results and Discussion. In the studied raw materials, the qualitative composition and quantitative content of the dominant amino acids were almost identical. The total content of amino acids in the herb of the bunch of ordinary was 5.988 mg/100 mg, rye – 4.359 mg/100 mg. In the grass, the bunch of ordinary among replaceable amino acids in significant quantities were accumulated: aspartic and glutamic acids and proline (25.63 %, 16.25 % and 12.91 % of the amount of amino acids, respectively), among the essential – lysine (5.00% of the amount amino acids). In the herb of rye content prevailed replaceable amino acids: glutamic acid, proline, asparagic acid (17.88 %, 10.99 %, 10.63 % of the amount of amino acids, respectively), essential – leucine, lysine, phenylalanine (7.14 %, 6.13 %, 4.61 % of the amount of amino acids, respectively). Among the essential amino acids in the herb of the barley and rye in minor quantities methionine were (1.40 % and 0.88 % of the amino acid amount, respectively).
Conclusions. For the first time, a qualitative composition was studied and the quantitative content of amino acids in the herb of the barley and rye was determined. The content of 18 amino acids was established, of which 7 essential, 8 – replaceable and 3 – semi-essential. Among the identified amino acids, aspartic and glutamic acids were dominated, proline, leucine, lysine and phenylalanine were contained in significant quantities. The results of the research carried out can be used in the development of new plant medicines based on rye and barley.
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