free radicals, free radical oxidation, glyphosate, lead acetate, copper sulfateAbstract
Introduction. It is known that the effects of various environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals and organophosphorus compounds, cause various changes in the human body, accompanied by imbalances between oxidation and reduction, the formation of reactive oxygen species, which explains the development of oxidative stress. Heavy metal ions can induce the formation of reactive oxygen species. To date, the correction of violations of free radical and antioxidant processes by the combined action of heavy metals and organophosphorus pesticides remains incompletely studied.
The aim of the study – to investigate the effect of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate in the form of a roundup and the corrective effect of cysteyl-histidyl-tyrosyl-histidyl-isoleucine on oxidative processes in rats of different ages.
Research Methods. The experiments were carried out on laboratory nonlinear white male rats of 3 age groups: immature, sexually mature and old, which were intragastrically injected for 30 days with aqueous solutions of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate (in the form of Roundup herbicide). For the purpose of correction, on the 21st day, 6 hours after the administration of toxicants, the peptide cysteyl-histidyl-tyrosyl-histidyl-isoleucine was administered for 10 days. Oxidative stress was assessed by the level of oxidatively modified proteins, the content of TBA-active products and diene conjugates in blood serum and liver homogenates.
Results and Discussion. It was found that the administration of aqueous solutions of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate (in the form of Roundup herbicide) in combination with rats is accompanied by activation of oxidation processes in the serum and liver homogenates of the affected animals. Simultaneous administration of the studied xenobiotics to animals of all ages caused an increase in the content of TBA-active products (TBA-AP) and diene conjugates (DC) in blood serum and liver homogenates. Intoxication of copper with sulfate, lead acetate and organophosphorus pesticide was accompanied by imbalance between pro- and antioxidants, the development of oxidative stress, which can cause functional and structural damage to cell membranes and the accumulation of toxic metabolites. When the peptide is used as a correction factor, the content of reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation products decreases.
Conclusion. The administration of the peptide as a corrective factor to rats with toxic liver damage reduces the generation of reactive oxygen species and the content of free radical lipid oxidation products.
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