gonadectomy, cranio-skeletal injury, lipid peroxidation, kidneysAbstract
Introduction. Intensification of lipid peroxidation (LPO) is one of the characteristic disorders of cranio-skeletal injury (CSI). Estrogen levels play an important role in the mechanism of protection against sex in the female body. Due to the increasing frequency of injuries, the risk of skeletal trauma in postmenopausal women increases sharply.
The aim of the study – to elucidate the role of LPO processes in the cortical and cerebral layers of the kidney in the mechanisms of systemic manifestations of CSI in the late period of traumatic disease in bilateral ovarioectomy.
Research Methods. The experiments were performed on 54 nonlinear white female rats weighing 200–220 g. The hypoestrogenic state was performed by surgical removal of the gonads with subsequent simulation of CSI. After 1 and 2 months of the post-traumatic period, the content of diene conjugates (DCs) and reagents for thiobarbituric acid (TBA-active LPO products) was determined in the cortical and cerebral layers of the kidney.
Results and Discussion. Complete removal of the gonads after 1 month is accompanied by an intensification of LPO processes in the functional layers of the kidney. In animals without removal of gonads under the conditions of CSI we noted activation of LPO after 1 month of post-traumatic period, followed by normalization after 2 months. In gonadectomized rats, LPO processes remained elevated for 2 months after injury. In the cerebral layer of the kidney, the activity of LPO was significantly higher than in the cortical, and significantly prevailed in gonadectomized rats.
Conclusions. In the conditions of removal of gonads in cortical and cerebral layers of a kidney strengthening of LPO is noted. After application of CSI in the conditions of removal of gonads in 1 and 2 months the content of primary and secondary products of LPO increases, while in group of animals without removal of gonads intensity of LPO in a kidney normalizes up second month of the experiment.
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