childbirth, trauma during childbirth, pharmacotechnological research, pessariesAbstract
Introduction. One of the urgent problems of modern medical science and practice is the preservation of the health of women of reproductive age. Reducing soft tissue injuries during childbirth, of course, primarily depends on a rationally and carefully carried out childbirth. However, the preparation of the birth canal also plays an important role in this. Rational preparation of the birth canal, taking into account the peculiarities of the histological structure of the vaginal wall, should provide for the use of drugs aimed at increasing the tone of elastic and collagen fibers, which stimulate the formation of glycogen. In addition, the dosage form of the drug used for such purposes plays an important role. Therefore, in the process of developing a drug, we have chosen pessaries (vaginal suppositories). In the composition of the drug, hyaluronic acid with a phytocomplex of CO2 extracts of calendula, aloe and green tea, which have all the necessary properties to reduce the risk of soft tissue ruptures, were introduced as active pharmaceutical ingredients.
The aim of the study – to determine the main technological parameters of the manufacture of pessaries (vaginal suppositories) for the preparation of the birth canal before childbirth with hyaluronic acid and phytocomplex of CO2 extracts.
Research Methods. Pharmaco-technological methods were used during the research.
Results and Discussion. As a result of the microscopic method of analysis, the solubility of hyaluronic acid in purified water was studied. The structural and mechanical properties of the pessaries were investigated depending on the temperature of the technological process. In addition, the temperature regime for the manufacture of pessaries was set at (40.0±2.0) °C based on the results obtained from the thermogravimetric analysis. In order to determine the cooling temperature of the samples, their resistance to fracture was studied, as a result of which it was established that this stage of making pessaries should be carried out at a temperature of 10–15 °C for 20 minutes.
Conclusions. A study was carried out to determine the main technological parameters for the manufacture of pessaries (vaginal suppositories) for preparing the birth canal before childbirth containing HA and a phytocomplex of CO2 extracts. A rational route for introducing the API into the dosage form was justified. HA is distributed in the base by the type of emulsion, and CO2 extracts are distributed by the type of solution. The influence on the quality characteristics of pessaries of such factors as the temperature of manufacture, dosing and cooling of the suppository mass was determined.
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