garden chrysanthemum, flowers, extract, technological aspectsAbstract
Introduction. Chronic stress, irritability and sleep disorders reduce the quality of life, weaken the immune system, increase the risk of various inflammatory diseases. Therefore, the demand for herbal medicines is growing and there is a need to expand their range. Foreign sources indicate the prospects of using chrysanthemum flowers as a sedative and anticonvulsant. Therefore, the development of technology for obtaining an extract from the flowers of garden Chrysanthemum was promising.
The aim of the study – to learn the influence of some pharmaceutical factors on the degree of extraction of active substances from flowers of garden Chrysanthemum variety Pectoral to develop a technology for obtaining a dry extract based on this plant, which will be used as an intermediate in the production of new dosage forms.
Research Methods. The influence of such pharmaceutical factors on the degree of BAS extraction as the nature of the extractant, the ratio of raw materials: extractant and the method of extraction was studied. The evaluation criteria for the obtained dry substances were the quantitative content of the sum of phenolic compounds (in terms of gallic acid), the amount of flavonoids (in terms of rutin) and the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids (in terms of chlorogenic acid), determined by spectrophotometric method on a spectrophotometer Lambda 25 Perkin Elmer.
Results and Discussion. On the basis of mathematical planning of the experiment the regularities of extraction of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic compounds from flowers of Chrysanthemum garden variety Pectoral depending on the concentration of used ethanol extractant, ratio of raw materials: extractant and extraction method were studied.
Conclusion. It was determined that the optimal method of obtaining an extract from the flowers of the garden Chrysanthemum variety Pectoral is the method of fractional maceration with 70 % ethanol at a ratio of “LRS:extractant” 1:8.
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