new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid, compound KGM-5, model of acute cerebrovascular accident, sensorimotor cortex, drug PicamilonAbstract
Introduction. The search for new nootropic drugs that can improve cognitive impairment resulting from cerebral circulatory disorders is an urgent scientific task. Promising in this regard are new derivatives of 4-aminobutanoic acid, synthesized at the National University of Pharmacy, among 11 was selected the leading substance for antiamnestic activity under the code KGM-5, which also exhibits antihypoxic activity.
The aim of the study – to investigate the effect of the compound KGM-5 on the condition of the sensorimotor cortex (SMC) of the brain of rats in a model of acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA).
Research Methods. Histological examination of the SMC of large hemispheres of rats with the model of ACVA (6 days), caused by occlusion of the left common carotid artery. After removal from the skull, the brain was fixed in 96 ° ethanol, then a frontal incision was made at the level of the anterior edges of the temporal lobes. The samples were embedded in paraffin, one part was stained with hematoxylin and eosin, the other with thionine according to the Nissl method. Examination of micropreparations was performed under a Granum light microscope, microphotography of microscopic images – digital video camera Granum DSM 310. Photographs were processed on a Pentium 2.4GHz computer using Toup View.
Results and Discussion. In rats with ACVA in the area of the SMC of the large hemispheres revealed signs of circulatory disorders: spasm of arterioles, venous hyperemia, pericapillary edema; appearance of pyramidal neurons with morphological changes of irreversible nature. An increase in the number of hyperchromic and hypochromic neurons, an increase in the glioneuronal and perineuronal indices and the alteration index were found. The compound KGM-5 improves cerebral circulation in rats with ACVA, as evidenced by a decrease in the severity of capillary spasm and pericapillary edema, increases the survival of pyramidal neurons of the SMC of the brain, reduces the relative proportion of irreversibly altered cells, as evidenced by decreased perineural satellite indices.
Conclusions. The ability of a new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid of the compound KGM-5 to improve cerebral circulation, increase the survival of pyramidal neurons, reduce the number of irreversibly altered cells has been established. This proves the presence of compounds KGM-5 cerebroprotective properties, the severity of which it is not inferior to the comparison drug Picamilon.
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