laryngeal cancer, erythrocytes, middle weight molecules, sorption capacity of erythrocyte membranes, EPR, nitroxyl radicalsAbstract
Introduction. Cellular membrane barrier alterations lead to metabolic and functional disorders. However, in the case of laryngeal cancer (LC) they are insufficiently studied.
The aim of the study – to learn the nature of the interaction of erythrocyte membranes with introduced spin probes as an indicator of changes in the barrier function of membranes at LC.
Research Methods. Samples of the erythrocyte membranes from 40 patients with LC stages II and III and 20 healthy volunteers were probed by EPR with AdTEMPO test. Microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes was determined by the τeff and the decreasing in RSSI. The content of MWM was identified in the blood plasma and in erythrocyte. The partition coefficient between blood plasma proteins and erythrocyte glycocalyx was calculated. SCEM was evaluated by amount of unabsorbed methylene blue.
Results and Discussion. It was established that LC patient’s endogenous intoxication is characterized by excessive accumulation of the total pool of MWM both in blood plasma and glycocalyx of erythrocyte. SCEM was significantly decreased in samples of both LC stages in comparison to control. The most apparent decline in τeff was observed prior to washing of erythrocytes for 5 min after probe insertion. The deceleration after 60 min was observed only in LC stage II. The value of τeff was at control values levels after washing of erythrocytes of LC stage II 5 min after probe insertion and was significantly reduced in stage III LC in comparison to control. RSSI in samples both stage of patients prior to and after washing of erythrocytes was on average 1.5-fold higher than that of control.
Conclusions. It was established that the LC patient’s endogenous intoxication is characterized by excessive accumulation of the total pool of MWM both in blood plasma and glycocalyx of erythrocytes, activation of catabolic processes in plasma, redistribution of MWM between the pool of erythrocyte proteins, which corresponds to the second stage of endotoxicosis. The reduction of the SCEM is shown, which is a manifestation of pathological changes in the surface functional activity of erythrocyte membranes. The effectiveness of AdTEMPO for the evaluation of microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes in patients with LC was confirmed.
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