food additives, oxidative modification of proteins, blood, liver, lungs, effectAbstract
Introduction. A decrease in the life expectancy of the population of Ukraine, a sharp decrease in the quality of life and the health index of the nation with a significant violation of the nutritional status predetermines the need to raise issues of food quality, including the uncontrolled use of food additives, which determines the relevance of this study.
The aim of the study – to evaluate the indicators of oxidative modification of proteins in the tissues of the rat body when using a solution of κ-carrageenan, sodium glutamate and their combined action.
Research Methods. The study was carried out on 48 white nonlinear male rats, which were divided into 4 groups: 1 – control (intact animals), 2 – animals that were intragastrically injected with κ-carrageenan at a dose of 40 mg/kg for 1 month, 3 – animals, which intragastrically injected sodium glutamate at a dose of 50 mg/kg for 1 month, 4 – animals that were intragastrically injected with carrageenan and sodium glutamate in the above doses. To assess the spontaneous oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) spectrophotometrically in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum at a wavelength of 370 nm, neutral ketone dinitrophenylhydrazones (CDNPH) and in the visible light region – 430 nm, aldehyde dinitrophenylhydrazones of the basic nature (ADNPH) were determined. To assess the stimulated OMP 0.1 ml of prepared ex tempore 410-3 M FeSO4, 110-3 M EDTA, 310-4 M H2O2 was previously added to the experimental and control samples.
Results and Discussion. It was found that the proportion of primary (ADNPH) and secondary (CDNPH) markers in the blood serum did not practically differ from the ratio in the control group. In the lung tissues, when sodium glutamate was administered to experimental animals, the ratio of ADNPG to CDNPG changed towards an increase in the proportion of secondary markers of oxidative stress, while in other study groups their ratio practically did not differ from the control. In liver tissues, the proportion of primary and secondary markers in the experimental groups did not practically differ from the ratio in the control group. Analysis of the ratio of primary and secondary markers of oxidative modification of proteins indicates an increase in markers of late destruction in lung tissues with the use of sodium glutamate. The reduced proportion of secondary markers in the blood serum upon administration of carrageenan in relation to the group of animals that were injected with sodium glutamate may indicate a faster utilization of the altered proteins, the so-called secondary antioxidant effect.
Conclusions. In the combined action of solutions of κ-carrageenan and sodium glutamate, spontaneous oxidative modification of proteins significantly increases relative to the control and individual action of food additives, which is accompanied by depletion of reserve-adaptive potential in the blood, lungs and liver, respectively, by 33.4 %, 32.9 % and 24.0 %.
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