Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.), phenolic compounds, hydroxycinnamic acids, polyphenols, standardizationAbstract
Introduction. Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) of the Rose family (Rosaceae) is widespread in Ukraine as a valuable fruit, medicinal and ornamental plant. The main biologically active substances of fruit of Mountain ash are phenolic compounds, organic acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and terpenoids, which determine their diuretic, choleretic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic actions. The quality of fruit of Sorbus aucuparia is regulated by the requirements of article “Fructus Sorbi” by the 11th Edition of USSR Pharmacopoeia, however, sections of the article need to be harmonized with the modern requirements of State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and European Pharmacopoeia.
The aim of the study – to determine the content of phenolic compounds, hydroxycinnamic acids and polyphenols in fruit of Sorbus aucuparia for further standardization of raw material.
Research Methods. In fruit of Sorbus aucuparia the content of phenolic compounds was determined by HPLC, hydroxycinnamic acids and polyphenols – by the method of absorption spectrophotometry.
Results and Discussion. In fruit of Sorbus aucuparia 6 phenolic compounds were identified: 2 hydroxycinnamic acids (chlorogenic and caffeic) and 4 flavonoids (catechin, rutin, quercetin, naringin). In raw material chlorogenic acid predominates from hydroxycinnamic acids (2329.74±0.27) mcg/g, rutin – from flavonoids (128.8±0.06) mcg/g. The amount of phenolic compounds in Mountain ash fruit is 5717.74 mcg/g, among them hydroxycinnamic acids – 62 %, flavonoids – 16.6 %. In fruit of Sorbus aucuparia the content of hydroxycinnamic acids is from (1.53±0.06) % to (2.61±0.05) % in terms of chlorogenic acid, the content of polyphenols – from (0.62±0.03) % to (0.92±0.05) % in terms of pyrogallol.
Conclusion. The content of phenolic compounds, hydroxycinnamic acids and polyphenols was determined in fruit of Sorbus aucuparia. The results of the study of content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the raw material were used in the development of the project of monograph of State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine “Sorbi aucupariae fructusN”.
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