immunity, immunoglobulins, interleukins, glyphosate, Lead acetate, Copper sulfateAbstract
Introduction. Exposure to various environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals and phospororganic compounds is known to induce different changes in human body, characterized by a release of cytokines, formation of reactive oxygen species, and to explain various immunological and inflammation processes. They can induce, or inhibit the synthesis of the inflammatory and proinflammatory cytokines. At present, the combined effect of heavy metals and phosphoorganic pesticides on the immune system remain insufficiently studied.
Research Methods. The experiment was carried out on lab nonlinear white rats – males three age periods: puberty, mature and old aging animals.The rats receiving the lead acetate, copper sulfate, glyphosate (in herbicide Roundup) in combined and peptide as correction agent. Subhronic lesions in rats was modelled by intragastric administration of water solution of Lead Acetate at a dose of 11 mg/kg, Copper Sulfate at a dose of 13 mg/kg, Glyphosate at a dose of 250 mg/kg. Dehlorinated drinking tap water to intact animals was added. The immune system state was assessed by the level of immunoglobulin’s IgA, IgG, IgM, circulating immune complexes and cytokines оn the blood serum rats.
Results and Discussion. It was found that change of the immunoglobulins and interleukins ratio and the content of circulating immune complexes increases in the blood serum by the combined effect of lead acetate, copper sulfate and glyphosate (in Roundup form herbicide) water solutions in animals. The effect of these xenobiotics alone and in combination administration was analyzed. It was established that the content of circulating immune complexes was increased and concentration of immunoglobulins was decreased and the humoral part of the immune system was suppressed in blood serum of different age rats with glyphosate (in Roundup form herbicide), lead acetate, copper sulfate. Results of the present study showed that the concentration of IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α increased and the content of IL-4, IL-10 reduced in the blood serum of rats of all age groups. The balance of cytokines was a violation with a predominance of pro-inflammatory, involved in the inflammatory process, which can cause functional and structural damage to cell membranes and the accumulation of toxic metabolites in rats with toxicose by the action of copper sulfate, lead acetate and organophosphorus pesticide.
Conclusion. The influence of lead acetate, copper sulfate and roundup on inflammatory processes is multidirectional and led to the suppression of the immune system of animals.
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