Vaccinium corymbosum L., Bluejay, Bluecrop, Elliott, ascorbic acid, organic acidsAbstract
Introduction. Ascorbic acid (AA) and organic acids (OА) are synthesized in all plants, and are an important part of their metabolism, as well as an integral part of the metabolism of the human body. The study of the mechanisms of action of highbush blueberry (HB) extracts is preceded by the most detailed study of the composition, in particular AA and OA, the content of which may vary in different physiological phases of development.
The aim of the study – to determine the content of ascorbic and organic acids in the HB shoots of three varieties at different stages of their physiological development.
Research Methods. The material for the study was shoots of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) varieties Bluejay, Bluecrop and Elliott. The AA content was determined spectrophotometrically; the content of OA was determined titrimetrically.
Results and Discussion. As a result of the analysis, the level of AA and OA was almost at parity with each other in investigated varieties of HB. The value of AA was recorded 42.61–83.62 mg·100 g-1 DW (the lowest is (42.61±1.828) in IV phase) in Bluejay; 49.02–102.5 mg·100 g-1 DW in Bluecrop; 70.87–98.04 mg·100 g-1 DW in Elliott. Changes OA contents were within 2.19–5.26 % in Bluejay; 3.12–7.83 % in Bluecrop, and 3.80–9.16 % in Elliott.
Conclusions. Varieties of highbush blueberries with different fruit ripening dates differ in the content of AA and OA in the shoots during the growing season. The shoots of V. corymbosum varieties Bluecrop. Bluejay, and Elliott are sufficiently high in AA and OA during physiological development, and can be used for further research.
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