thyme creeping, medicinal digester, biologically active substance, extract, identification, thin layer chromatographyAbstract
Introduction. One of the tasks of modern pharmacy is the search and development of new medicinal products on the basis of medicinal herbal digester. Large interest in vegetable preparations is related exactly to their safety and efficiency, as well as the duration of application. A perspective source of biologically active substances is thyme creeping (TC), which is naturally widespread in Ukraine and is widely cultivated. According to literary sources, preparations based on it are widely used in ethnomedicine and scientific medicine. In previous studies, we have developed the technology of liquid and dense extracts TC as the analysis of thyme creeping in order to standardize this digester as an indicator of quality, among others, we chose the composition of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acid, so it is appropriate to study the qualitative composition of these BASs and in the extracts obtained.
The aim of the study – to develop a method for identification of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in liquid and dense extracts of TC and to select their quality markers.
Research Мethods. Thin layer chromatography (TLC), Silica gel F254 chromatographic plates from Merck, automatic sampler CAMAG Linomat 5, GAMAG chromatographic camera, liquid, thick thyme creeping extracts, hyperoside, apigen (Fluka), luteolin (Fluka), rutin (Sigma), luteolin-7-O-glucoside, chlorogenic acid (Fluka), caffeic acid (Fluka), rosemary acid (Fluka), UV lamp.
Results and Discussion. In the standardization of liquid and thick creeping thyme extract, we considered the possibility of identifying BASs, continuing the proposed approach in the chain of thyme creeping TC-liquid-thick TC extracts. The qualitative composition of flavonoids was determined by TLC method in the solvent system ethyl acetate P-formic acid P-water P in the ratio (90: 6: 9). In order to develop a method for qualitative determination of flavonoids and hydroxybutyric acids in TC extracts, different methods and conditions of chromatography were considered, which are described in HFC available in these extracts.
Conclusions. Тhe technique of qualitative analysis of polyphenolic compounds in thyme creeping extracts was developed. As a result, flavonoids and hydroxycoric acids were identified in liquid extracts and dense TC extracts, which made it possible to select quality markers of the investigated extracts – rosemary (main representative), caffeic and chlorogenic acids, as well as flavonoids – luteolin-7-O-glucoside, 7- O-glucoside, luteolin, apigenin and rutin.
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