



shiitake mushrooms, paracetamol, hepatitis, thick extract, hepatoprotective properties


Introduction. The article discusses the issues of determining the dynamics of laboratory parameters in the blood serum and liver homogenate of rats affected by paracetamol and after correction with a thick extract from shiitake mushrooms.

The aim of the study – to investigate the hepatoprotective properties of the shiitake mushrooms dry extract in an experiment on rats with simulated paracetamol hepatitis.

Research Methods. Studies were conducted on white male rats. Animals were divided into 10 groups, each of which included 6 animals. Acute hepatitis was modeled by administering paracetamol intragastrically at a dose of 1250 mg/kg once a day (for 2 days) as a suspension in a 2 % starch gel solution. Correction of toxic damage was carried out with a thick extract of shiitake mushrooms, which was administered intragastrally 2 hours before administration of paracetamol and daily after the lesion at a dose of 150 mg/kg body weight. The comparison drug "Silibor" was administered according to the same scheme as the shiitake extract at a dose of 20 mg/kg of animal body weight. Rats were euthanized using sodium barbamil on the 3rd, 7th and 10th day from the onset of the lesion. The study subjected liver homogenate and blood serum. The degree of hepatocyte cytolysis was evaluated by the activity of alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamine transferase, alkaline phosphatase and the size of the thymol sample after the introduction of corrective factors.

Results and Discussion. Pronounced cytolysis of hepatocytes was revealed after administration of a toxicant to rats based on studies of the activity of aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidases, alkaline phosphatase and the size of the thymol sample. The use of a thick extract of shiitake mushrooms contributed to the normalization of the studied parameters, which indicates the hepato- and cytoprotective properties of this pharmacological drug.

Conclusions. The obtained results confirm a violation of the structural and functional integrity of the liver, the formation of the phenomena of cytolysis and cholestasis in the liver after damage to rats with toxic doses of paracetamol. A positive effect of a thick extract of shiitake mushrooms on the dynamics of laboratory parameters in the blood serum and rat liver homogenate was revealed under conditions of simulated paracetamol hepatitis.


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How to Cite

Herasymets, I. I., Fira, L. S., & Medvid, I. I. (2020). RESEARCH OF THE SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS THICK EXTRACT HEPATOPROTECTIVE PROPERTIES . Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 97–104.

