experimental chronic neoplastic intoxication, lipid peroxidation, endogenous intoxication, blood coagulationAbstract
Introduction. Oncological patients are at high risk of developing thromboembolic complications and other serious complications, which is explained by the progression of the tumor and the action of cytostatic drugs due to disturbance of both biochemical and hemostatic processes. Of particular importance is the endogenous intoxication of the body.
The aim of the study – to evaluate the biochemical parameters and the state of blood coagulation in rats under chronic neoplastic intoxication.
Research Methods. The experiment was performed on 36 non-linear adult rats. Chronic neoplastic intoxication was modeled by the introduction of asymmetric 1,2-dimethylhydrazine hydrochloride subcutaneously into the intercapillary area at a dose of 7.2 mg/kg once a week for 30 weeks, according to the animal's weight at the rate of 0.1 ml of DMH solution per 10 grams of body weight of a rat. The study of the hemostatic state of blood plasma included determination of prothrombin time by Quic, prothrombin index, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen A and fibrin-monomer complex
Results and Discussion. According to the results of the analysis of biochemical parameters of lipid peroxidation on the 70th day of the experiment, there was only a tendency to increase compared to control data. On the 140th and 210th days, their significant increase relative to the control group was revealed. Determination of the content of medium-weight molecules in the blood serum of rats at a wavelength of 254 and 280 nm during observation showed a statistically significant increase. An insignificant increase in activated partial prothrombin was observed during the entire experiment. Relative to other indicators, wave-like changes in hemostasiological parameters were recorded.
Conclusions. During 210 days of the experiment, manifestations of endogenous intoxication increase, as evidenced by a probable increase in the level of blood in the molecules of medium weight (MSM/254 and MSM/ 280). Excessive formation of products of free radical oxidation in combination with the compensatory activation of the enzyme units of the antioxidant system in the initial period of the experiment and its gradual depletion from 140 days, which is confirmed by a significant decrease in the activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase in the blood serum to the end of the experiment regarding the control. Prothrombin time lengthening, prothrombin index reduction, increase in fibrinogen A and soluble fibrin-monomer complex in the blood, which can be considered as a prerequisite for pathophysiological justification of the risk factor for blood coagulation activation in cancer patients.
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