



diabetes mellitus, vanadium citrate, chromium citrate, antioxidant system, rats


Introduction. Diabetes increases oxidative stress, which causes exhaustion of the antioxidant system.

The aim of the study of the work is to investigate the influence of vanadium and chromium citrate on the antioxidant activity in the tissues of rats with alloxan diabetes mellitus. Vanadium and Chromium compounds are antioxidants, so they can be considered as a prophylactic agent to slow the progression of diabetes and the risk of complications.

Research Methods. The research was conducted on 32 laboratory rats of the Wistar line. The animals were divided into four groups. Rats from groups І (control) and ІІІ were given pure water without any additives; groups ІІ and ІV were given water with the solution of vanadium citrates, in the amounts of 0.5 μg V/ml of water, and chromium citrates – 0.1 μg Cr/ml of water. In the animals from groups III and IV, diabetes mellitus was induced by intraperitoneal injection of 5% solution of alloxan monohydrate in the amounts of 150 mg/kg of body weight. Materials for the research were homogenates of pancreas tissues of rats. We determined the content of lipid peroxidation products: lipid hydroperoxides and TBA-active products and the activity of antioxidant enzymes: superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and the content of reduced glutathione.

Results and Discussion. The combined action of vanadium citrate and chromium decreased the content of TBA-active products and increased the activity of antioxidant enzymes in intact animals. During experimental diabetes mellitus, the content of lipid peroxidation products increased, but there was a depletion of the protective capabilities of the antioxidant protection system. The prior introduction of vanadium and chromium citrates into the diet of rats with experimental diabetes contributed to the increase of the activity of the studied enzymes of the antioxidant system to the level of control. Obviously, trace elements of vanadium and chromium, as antioxidants, have the ability to be free radical scavengers and, accordingly, to reduce oxidative stress in diabetic animals.

Conclusions. During diabetes, hyperglycemia leads to an increase in lipid peroxidation products and a decrease in antioxidant protection. With the combined action of vanadium and chromium citrate, the indicators of the antioxidant system were normalized in the tissues of diabetic rats.


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How to Cite

Sushko, O. O., & Iskra, R. Y. (2019). EFFECT OF VANADIUM AND CHROMIUM CITRATE ON THE STATUS OF PRO-ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM IN THE PANCREATIC TISSUES OF RATS WITH ALLOXAN DIABETES MELLITUS. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 20–25. https://doi.org/10.11603/mcch.2410-681X.2019.v.i4.10534

