pregnant women, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, cytokines, interleukines 1β, 6, CD 56Abstract
Introduction. Despite significant achievements in the study of the consequences of the catastrophic health of pregnant women and their born children, which made it possible to draw certain conclusions about the negative effects of acute and prolonged exposure to radiation on the body of pregnant and fetus, many issues of this complex problem so far remain not studied enough.
The aim of the study – to determine the correlation between the indicators of the cytokine system and the immune status with the investigated parameters in pregnant women with extragenital pathology depending on the radiation pollution of the territory of the Volyn region.
Research methods. 60 pregnant women aged 18–25 years old at the time of pregnancy 19–37 weeks were examined, who were treated and monitored at the Department of Extragenital Pathology with Cardiovascular Pathology. The examined women consisted of two groups: group 1 (30 pregnant women) – mostly inhabitants of the city of Lutsk and areas not belonging to contaminated areas. The group 2 (30 pregnant women) are inhabitants of the contaminated Chernobyl accident, Volyn districts, which include Manevytskyi, Liubeshivskyi and Kamin-Kashyrskyi districts. The control group consisted of 30 non-pregnant women of the same age.
Results and Discussion. In the group 1, strong positive correlation bonds were found between the concentration of interleukin -1β and ALT activity (r = 0.78; p <0.05), between IL-6 concentration and percentage CD 56 (r = 0.98; p <0.05). In the group 2 strong positive correlation bonds were found between the concentration of IL-1β and the content of interleukin-6 (r = 0.94; p <0.05), as well as between the percentage of CD 56 and the percentage of T-lymphocytes (r = -0.81; p <0.05); percentage of B-lymphocytes (r = -0.79; p <0.05).
Conclusions. As a result of our research, a correlation analysis of the data was carried out and certain probable interrelationships between the investigated indicators were found.
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