Detoxifying effect of apple pectin under experimental acute alcohol intoxication


  • M. B. Haynuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • L. M. Sheremeta Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



apple pectin, acute alcohol intoxication, gas-liquid chromatography’ experiment.


Introduction. By ATC classification pectin belong to A07ВC – intestinal adsorbents, has the prebiotic properties.

The aim of the study – to determine the pectin influence on gastric juice pH in presence of alcohol and the level of ethanol absorption by gas-liquid chromatography.

Materials and Methods. pH measurements were performed using 0.1 N HCl solution and a mixture of pectin and reference drugs with water and alcohol. Acute alcohol intoxication simulated on 35 white, non-breeding male rats weighing 180–200 g by introducing 40 % ethanol solution into the stomach in dose 2 ml/100 g body weight for 3 days. Apple pectin and reference agents – activated charcoal and silicon dioxide – were applied in 30 minutes
after ethanol in the amount of 0.2 g, 0.25 and 0.05 g/100 g of body weight, respectively.

Results and Discussion. A mixture of pectin with water, 0.1 N HCl solution added 40 % alcohol reduced the pH to 2.17, similar mixing with activated charcoal pH = 4.2, and silicon dioxide – pH = 4.4. Determination blood alcohol content by the GLC showed a significant decrease in the ethanol concentration in all treated animals: pectin – (0.07±0.03) ‰; activated charcoal – (0.43±0.18) ‰; silicon dioxide – (0.34±0.12) ‰. The number of animals with not detected blood alcohol was also different: using pectin – 67 %, activated charcoal – 33 %, silicon dioxide – 50 %.

Conclusions. Experiments in vitro have shown pectin neutralizes the ethanol reaction by almost twice as much as reference preparations, thus probably reduces the concentration, absorption and subsequent toxic effects of ethanol. In use of apple pectin and reference preparations, a significant decrease of blood alcohol content in the experimental animals was determined by GLC method, as compared to untreated (p˂0.05). An increase in animals number without blood alcohol was noted in all experimental groups, indicating the effectiveness of used agents and possibile pectin using as a detoxifier.


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How to Cite

Haynuk, M. B., & Sheremeta, L. M. (2018). Detoxifying effect of apple pectin under experimental acute alcohol intoxication. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 72–76.

