Problem of assessment of hematotoxicity of pesticides


  • T. V. Usenko . Medved Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health of Ukraine



blood, blood system, hematotoxicity, pesticides, intoxication, lymphocytes.


Introduction. The article presents the results of studies of hematoxicity of pesticides, which at the present stage acquire special significance in connection with the widespread use of pesticides. The obtained data testify to the need for laboratory monitoring of the effectiveness and safety of the use and accumulation of pesticides in the environment and in humans and animals, therefore they justify the urgency of preventing side effects of pesticide preparations. The author came to the conclusion that when carrying out hematological studies with a diagnostic purpose, it is necessary to take into account the changes that arise in the blood system under the influence of potential toxicants, including drugs. In order to prevent hematotoxic effects, pharmacotherapy should strictly adhere to metered regimens and regimens.

The need to study the state of the blood system is dictated, first of all, by its importance for maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the organism and the risk of the emergence of various pathological conditions when the functioning of the blood system is disturbed. It is especially important to note the relevance of differential diagnosis of blood damage and diseases that occur with lymphoproliferative and autoimmune syndromes. Taking this into account, it is necessary to note the importance of differential diagnosis of leukemoid reactions arising from exposure to potential toxicants.

The current state of control of the side effects of pesticides does not provide an opportunity to objectively assess the significance of the problem of medicinal and pesticidaltoxicoses and the post-toxication complications caused by them, including the risk of hematotoxic effects. The potential risk of hematotoxic complications is the violation of the basic functions of the blood.

The aim of the study – to note the importance of research and a deeper study of the processes that arise when the blood system is exposed to potentially dangerous chemicals (XP) and leads to the development of hematological dysfunctions.

Conclusions. The effect of substances of various groups of pesticides on the blood system was established, violations of hematological parameters of peripheral blood and their connection with morphological indices under conditions of exposure to potential toxicants were revealed, which is of fundamental importance in the diagnosis of hematotoxic effects.

Author Biography

T. V. Usenko, . Medved Scientific Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Молодший науковий співробітник


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How to Cite

Usenko, T. V. (2018). Problem of assessment of hematotoxicity of pesticides. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (4), 129–137.

