Compromised immune homeostasis in the early period of gastric ulcer againstthe background of experimental pneumonia





T- cells, B- cells, CIC, gastriculcer, experimentalpneumonia.


Introduction. The article adduces the obtained results of the indices of immune homeostasis in the development of combined pathology (experimental pneumonia (EP) and gastric ulcer (GU) of the stomach). The immune system is characterized by the number of T-lymphocytes since they are the basis of the cellular component of the immune
response and the concentration of b-lymphocytes and circulating immune complexes (CIC), which are responsible for cellular immunity.
The aim of the study – the content of T-lymphocytes, CEC to assess the immune system in the development of EP and GU.
Materials and Methods. This experimental study was conducted on 39 guinea pigs-males. Experimental pneumonia caused by the method of V. N. Shliapnikova, T. L. Solodova [et al.] Gastric ulcer of the stomach was
simulated by the method of V. I. Komarova. We determined the content of T- and B-lymphocytes (SD3 and SD19) in the blood by the method of E. F. Chernushenko, L. S. Kohosova. The level of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in the blood by the method of Haskova V., Kaslik J..
Results and Discussion. The results of experimental studies established that early period of development (4th and 8th day) of gastric ulcer and pneumonia is characterized by the following changes of immune homeostasis: decrease in the level of T-lymphocytes and elevated levels of lymphocytes and circulating immune complexes in the blood of Guinea pigs.
Conclusion. A depression of cell growth and humoral types of immunity in terms of experimental pneumonia
and gastric ulcer was revealed.



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How to Cite

Furdychko, L. O. (2017). Compromised immune homeostasis in the early period of gastric ulcer againstthe background of experimental pneumonia. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 102–105.

