
  • V. V. Boyko SI «Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named V. T. Zaytsev NAMS of Ukraine»
  • V. O. Prasol SI «Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named V. T. Zaytsev NAMS of Ukraine»
  • D. V. Oklei SI «Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named V. T. Zaytsev NAMS of Ukraine»
  • I. A. Taraban SI «Institute of General and Emergency Surgery named V. T. Zaytsev NAMS of Ukraine»
  • P. O. Boldizhar Uzhgorod National University




venous thrombosis, experimental method.


Based on the analysis of a large volume of the literature data concerning simulation of thrombotic conditions in laboratory animals under experimental conditions, the authors discuss various models of venous thrombosis. The method proposed by S. Wessler et al. (1959) is considered to be the simplest, most readily reproducible, and least invasive one. It consists of a combination of venous hyperemia and hypercoagulation induced by the administration of an activated coagulation factor.


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How to Cite

Boyko, V. V., Prasol, V. O., Oklei, D. V., Taraban, I. A., & Boldizhar, P. O. (2016). EXISTING EXPERIMENTAL MODELS OF VENOUS THROMBOSIS (REVIEW). Medical Informatics and Engineering, (3), 80–85. https://doi.org/10.11603/mie.1996-1960.2016.3.6758


