
  • L. D. Tondiy Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. L. Tondiy Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • I. V. Kas Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. V. Zemlyana Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • O. L. Zakrevska Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
  • V. O. Zhuravliev Clinical Sanatorium «Roscha» Pr. A.C. «Ukrprofozdorovnytsa»




The data on polarized light (PS) - a new promising treatment, rehabilitation and prevention, which took its deserved place among the known therapeutic physical factors and may even compete with laser radiation of low and LED therapy.

It is reflected the significant contribution of domestic scientists in the study of aircraft action on the body, its introduction in the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of grippe, ARI. These action's mechanisms of the aircraft on the electro-physiological processes in the body that have the leading role in the regulation of its life.

The new moment in the study of aircraft on the body is the evidence of its positive impact on the mechanisms of self body - its different units: the disease's banning - a revitalization of the stress-protective, stress-limiting system antioxidial, detoxification and other protection systems, the formation by the body antiviral and antimicrobial specific substances (interferon and lysozyme), activation of the immune system, phagocytosis, protective functions of skin.

The protective and mobilizing role of the second link is studied: which is triggered in case of occurrence of disease or preexisting diseases: PL mobilized processes of restitution, reparations, compensation, immunity and microcirculation.

The authors studied the possibility of aircraft's using to enhance performance, reduce side effects of physical factors, which are often used in the treatment (electric methods, treatment by sound, fresh and mineral water, etc.).


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How to Cite

Tondiy, L. D., Tondiy, O. L., Kas, I. V., Zemlyana, O. V., Zakrevska, O. L., & Zhuravliev, V. O. (2015). POLARIZED LIGHT IN PHYSIOTHERAPY. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (4). https://doi.org/10.11603/mie.1996-1960.2015.4.5443


