This article is about creating information system for the rehabilitation Department of Neurosurgery.
To develop the information system needs to explore the work of department, examine the medical documentation and statistical reporting forms which doctors using in their work. Determine the sequence of making records into documentation. And finally make list of requirements for application with help of medical staff.
The software was developed by using C# language and the database server MySQL. It has five major systems and several ancillary subsystems. The major systems are: saving personal and clinical patient information, editing inputted data, showing data, ensuring the integrity and accuracy of database, the implementation of access to the same database from different computers. Auxiliary subsystems include: creating medical documentation, blocking form’s elements, searching for patient through database, making statistic over some period of time, creating folders for every patient and others. There was designed user interface that allows doctors to reduce time for learning functionality of application.
Information system has positive effect. It saves time for medical staff and reduces the possibility of inputting wrong information. Application does not require high hardware characteristics of computer.
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