
  • O. І. Ryabukha Lviv Medical Institute



thyroid gland, peculiarities of the structure, peculiarities of functioning.


Significant distribution and social significance of thyroid pathology actualize the in-depth elucidation of the basic preconditions for its occurrence.

The aim of the work – to analyze and generalize those features of the structure and functional activity of the thyroid gland, which may be the prerequisites for its pathology. It is found that conditionally such preconditions can be divided into structural and functional. The complicated embryogenesis of the thyroid gland, the considerable variability of its macromorphological types, abundant vascularization and the peculiarities of autonomic innervation of the organ, the presence in its parenchyma, along with thyrocytes of their antagonistic cells, and also the cells producing other biologically active substances and cells that take part in the immune processes, are the main morphological preconditions for the emergence and development of deviations in its activity. However, the regulation of the function of the thyroid is carried out by the branched system of extrathyroid and intrathyroid mechanisms, of which the most important are the connections of the nervous system, in particular, the autonomic, and immune system, the activity of para follicular cells, the concentration of iodine and calcium ions in the blood serum. Such a complex control system, in spite of its multi-variation, may be vulnerable in case of changes in the conditions of existence, deviations or violations in the activities of the organism. The influence of the hypothalamic-pituitary-regulating system on the thyroid gland occurs depending on the amount of iodine entering the body. The consumption of small doses of iodine is accompanied by a change in a number of functional constants, in particular, the intra-thyroid relationship between monoiodothyrozine and diiodo­thyrosine, diiodothyrosine and thyroxine, triiodothyrosine and thyroxine; in cases of severe deficiency of iodine, the rate of transformation of T4 in T3 in tissues increases and the level of T4 significantly decreases with normal or increased T3 content, which poses a danger of the exhaustion of the adaptive reserves of the organism. Prolonged consumption of an increased amount of iodine and the resulting increase in TSH level violates the coordination of the activity of the thyroid gland and functionally related organs.


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