primary osteoarthrosis, diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function, trophological status.Abstract
The article considers modern views on comorbidity problem of primary osteoarthritis and diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function. The level of oxidative stress activation and weakening of the enzyme and non-enzyme components of the protection antioxidant system was analyzed, and the deficiency of the trophological status in the vitamin component wa investigated.
32 outpatients with primary osteoarthrosis (Group I) and 37 outpatients with primary osteoarthrosis in combination with diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function (group II) were examined. Age of patients from 29 to 74 years. The control group consisted of 20 healthy people. The diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis was established on the basis of unified diagnostic criteria, the X-ray stage of primary osteoarthrosis - by J.H. Kellgren and J.S. Lawrence. The degree of external secretion of pancreatic insufficiency was determined by the level of fecal elastase-1, which was determined by the method of immunoassay analysis using standard sets of BIOSERV ELASTASE 1- ELISA. The state of oxidative stress was assessed by the level of malonic aldehyde, the state of antioxidant defense systems - by levels of superoxidedismutase, catalase, SH-groups, tocopherol, retinol (determined by spectrophotometric method) and ascorbic acid (determined by Farmer's method).
Analyzing the results of the conducted studies, it was found that the highest level of activation of peroxidation processes was observed in patients with primary osteoarthrosis in combination with diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function. The levels of enzyme and non-enzyme antioxidants were statistically significantly lower in all groups than in controls, but in patients with primary osteoarthrosis in combination with diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function, the antioxidant levels were statistically significantly lower in comparison with other groups indicates an increase in the deficit of antioxidant indicators of the system of protection at comorbidity. Deepening of the deficiency of the trophological status in the vitamin component (tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid) with the comorbidity of the primary osteoarthrosis with diseases accompanied by violation of the pancreas external secretion function was revealed.
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