tuberculosis, treatment failure, resistance to TB drugs.Abstract
The aim of the study was to establish the clinical features of newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure in the presence of resistance to anti-TB drugs. To achieve the aim we analyzed 60 cases of patients. Patients were divided into 2 groups: the group 1 included 25 people who established resistance to anti-TB drugs, and those not belonging to category 4, group 2 of patients included 35 people who had sensitivity of TB drugs. We determined the statistical significance of differences between groups using the criterion of “x-squared”, while the number of cases that used less than 20 we additional used Yates` correction.
Results and Discussion. The duration of intoxication and respiratory syndrome over 3 months before tuberculosis diagnosing was 18.7% in the group 1 and in 7.4 % in the group 2, p<0.05. The tendency to more widespread forms of tuberculosis was determined in the group 1 of patients: infiltrative tuberculosis without seeding defined only in the group 2: 11.4 % and 0 in the group 1, p<0.1; disseminated tuberculosis diagnosed more often in group 1 compared with the group 1: 48.0 % and 25.7 %, p<0.1.
Conclusions. In patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure with the presence of resistance to anti-TB drugs, which are not included to the four category compared with patients with sensitivity to anti-TB drugs longer duration of intoxication and respiratory syndrome in anamnesis before diagnosing was observed. Tendency to more widespread lung lesions was determined in these patients. According to other clinical-radiological and bacteriological parameters statistically significant differences were not found.
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