Modern methods of assisted reproductive technology in infertility treatment : achievements and prospects


  • S. V. Khmil SHEI «Ternopil State Medical University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine» Medical center «Clinic of prof. S. Khmil»
  • M. S. Khmil SHEI «Ternopil State Medical University by I. Ya. Horbachevsky of MPH of Ukraine» Medical center «Clinic of prof. S. Khmil»



SUMMARY. We have analyzed new approaches to diagnosis and treatment of infertility by assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Especially this problem is very important in the developed society. Inspite of the fact that ART methods of fertility treatments are constantly being improved, the urgency of the problem is growing, because of the decreasing reproductive potential of the population.


Key words: reproductive medicine, assisted reproductive technologies, infertility.


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How to Cite

Khmil, S. V., & Khmil, M. S. (2016). Modern methods of assisted reproductive technology in infertility treatment : achievements and prospects. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 24(4).



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