Morphometric characteristic of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and change of humoral immunity under the influence of various types of inflammatory reaction in conditions of experimental gastroduodenitis





morphometry, oral cavity, gastroduodenitis, hypoergic type of inflammatory reaction, normoergic type of inflammatory reaction, hyperergic type of inflammatory reaction, immunoglobulins of classes A, M, G.


Introduction. Mucous membrane of the oral cavity is a sensitive indicator of evaluation of pathological processes of gastrointestinal tract, due to its morphological features difference compared with other mucous membranes. At digestive system diseases, depending on the lesion level of one organ or another, morphological changes of mucous membrane of all oral cavity parts take place and changes in immunological parameters of animal blood.

The aim of the study – to examine and evaluate changes of morphometric parameters of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity of the buccal area and changes of humoral immunity under the influence of various types of inflammatory reaction at experimental gastroduodenitis.

Materials and Methods. The experimental study was carried out on 42 male rats with weight 180-200 g. For all animals they modeled acute gastroduodenitis during 7 days. Hypoergic type of inflammatory reaction was modeled with intramuscular injection of alkylating cytostatic cyclophosphamide. Hyperergic type of inflammatory reaction was modeled with intramuscular injection of pyrogenal on physiological solution. Normoergic type of inflammatory reaction developed in the animals with experimental gastroduodenitis without additional injection of any substances. In order to make the experiment the animals were divided into 4 groups. The animals were withdrawn from the experiment with rapid decapitation under thiopental – with sodium anesthesia. Anatomic preparation of the oral cavity buccal area and morphometric measurements were made, using the methodology of H. H. Avtandilov. During morphometric examination they measured mucous membrane thickness, epithelial layer, lamina propria, basal membrane, specific gravity of damaged epitheliocytes of osteoid layer, relative volume of capillaries. In animals we determined the level of the concentration of Ig A, M, G in serum in a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer «Humalyzer 2000». Results processing was made at the department of system statistical research of the State Higher Educational Institution « I. Ya.HorbachevskyTernopilStateMedicalUniversity, Ministry of Public Health ofUkraine» in the software package Statsoft STATISTIKA.

Results and Discussion. According to the results of the experimental study we found changes in the oral mucosa. The cause of buccal mucous membrane thinning was significant thinning of the epithelial layer, which can be explained by degenerative changes of different intensity. At the same time other structural components of mucous membrane of the buccal area of the oral cavity, namely basement membrane and lamina propria, were thickened on the contrary. The most evident dystrophic changes of the epithelium of buccal mucous membrane at microscopy were revealed in the animals with hyperergic type of inflammatory reaction. The important indicator of alteration processes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is specific part of damaged epitheliocytes, that 10 day study on indicators was increased relatively to control in these listed groups. Circulatory disturbance played an important role in the pathogenesis changes of mucous membrane of the oral cavity buccal area at modeled gastroduodenitis against the background of various types of inflammatory reaction. It appeared as level intensification of capillaries relative volume at morphometric investigation. In male white rats with hyperergic, normoergic, hypoergic TIR and morphometric changes in buccal areas consistent with immunological parameters. It was found that the levels of Ig A, M, G were higher relative to controls in all investigated groups of animals. The obtained results confirm that the changes of morphometric and immunological parameters depend on the type of inflammatory reaction.

Conclusions. Changes of morphometric data were accompanied with thickness decrease of mucous membrane and epithelial layer, increase of thickness of the lamina propria, basement membrane, specific part of damaged epitheliocytes of osteoid layer and capillaries relative volume during 10 days of the experiment regardless of the inflammatory reaction type. Changes in humoral immunity accompanied by rising levels of Ig classes A, M and G relative control within 10 days. The most significant changes were found in animals with hyperergic type of inflammatory reaction, the least – with hypoergic type of inflammatory reaction in animals normoergic type of inflammatory reaction of change took an intermediate position.

Author Biography




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How to Cite

Bondarchuk V. І. (2017). Morphometric characteristic of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and change of humoral immunity under the influence of various types of inflammatory reaction in conditions of experimental gastroduodenitis. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 106–113.

