
  • S. M. Drogovoz
  • S. Yu. Shtrygol
  • A. V. Kononenko
  • M. V. Zupanets
  • E. V. V. Levinskaya



CO2 due to the optimal mechanism of maintaining of its reserve is a universal condition for the existence of the
body. A physiological concentration of CO2 in the cells is an absolutely necessary condition for normal course of
biochemical processes. CO2 is a natural regulator of respiration, blood circulation, metabolism, electrolyte balance,
acid-base balance, the excitability of nerve cells, smooth muscle tone. Physiological properties provide CO2 diverse
local and resorptive effects, due to this carboxytherapy has become an effective and safe method of treatment in
many areas of medicine.


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How to Cite

Drogovoz, S. M., Shtrygol, S. Y., Kononenko, A. V., Zupanets, M. V., & Levinskaya, E. V. V. (2016). PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIE S OF CO2 AS SUBSTANTIATION OF ORIINALITY OF CARBOXYTHERAPY. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 112–116.

