Phytochemical studies of new herbal collection with antidiabetic action (notice I – substance of primary synthesis)


  • S. M. Marchyshyn
  • A. O. Savych



There was studied the chemical composition of the anti-diabetic herbal collection. It was established the presence and determined the quantitative content of the substances of primary synthesis: polysaccharides, including inulin, organic acids and ascorbic acid, amino acids and fat acids. 17 organic acids and 18 fatty acids were identified by gas chromatography and 23 amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).


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How to Cite

Marchyshyn, S. M., & Savych, A. O. (2016). Phytochemical studies of new herbal collection with antidiabetic action (notice I – substance of primary synthesis). Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 45–50.

