Dynamics of the indices of liver biligenetic function in reply to skeletal, cranial-cerebral and combined traumas in the early period of the traumatic disease


  • A. A. Hudyma
  • I. A. Mykhaylyuk
  • V. M. Mykhaylyuk




In the period of the early signs of the traumatic disease after the experimental skeletal, cranial-cerebral and
combined traumas the abnormality of the liver biligenetic function occurs, which could be seen by the decrease of the
general bile acids forming, the bilirubin conjugation and the cholesterol accumulation. The discovered abnormalities
of the liver biligenetic function are the biggest after 7 days of the posttraumatic in the conditions of the combined
cranial-skeletal trauma. During this period, the observations of deviance of the indices under investigation against
a background of the skeletal and cranial-cerebral trauma are identical.


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How to Cite

Hudyma, A. A., Mykhaylyuk, I. A., & Mykhaylyuk, V. M. (2015). Dynamics of the indices of liver biligenetic function in reply to skeletal, cranial-cerebral and combined traumas in the early period of the traumatic disease. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.11603/mcch.2410-681X.2015.v17.i3.5054

