The influence of inflammatory complications in patients with acute calculous cholecystitis on the liver functional state


  • O. P. Tsymbala
  • L. E. Lapovets
  • V. M. Akimova
  • O. I. Martyanova



The urgency of the problems caused by frequent research septic complications in patients with acute calculous
cholecystitis (ACC), accompanied by increase of endogenous intoxication. The study involved patients with ACC
complicated with choledocholithiasis, acute cholangitis and local peritonitis. The studies found an increase in levels of
total serum bilirubin in all groups due to direct fraction, indicating obstructive jaundice. The increase ratio of bilirubin
monoglyukuronid/diglucuronide more than 1.0 in septic complications of ACC indicate liver parenchyma lesion and
growth of endogenous intoxication. The reduction in serum total protein content by reducing the concentration of
albumin in the blood and decrease the reactivity of the organism with the increase of endogenous intoxication in
patients with septic complications is observed.


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How to Cite

Tsymbala, O. P., Lapovets, L. E., Akimova, V. M., & Martyanova, O. I. (2015). The influence of inflammatory complications in patients with acute calculous cholecystitis on the liver functional state. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(3).

