Influence of thiol antioxidants on manifestation of endothelial dysfunction in cerebral vessels in rats with disturbance of cerebral circulation


  • S. V. Horbachovа
  • I. F. Bielenichev
  • A. V. Abramov



Modelling of brain blood circulation violation by means of bilateral occlusion of the common carotid artery caused the development of stable endothelial dysfunction, which is manifested in the increased level of homocysteine and nitrotyrosine. At the same time there was observed an increase of production of stable metabolites of nitric oxide and increased expression of neuronal and inducible NO-synthase. Holding pharmacotherapy thiotriazoline, α-lipoic acid, tiocetam and angiolin showed the ability of medications in varying degrees depress the manifestations of the endothelial dysfunction of cerebral vessels. The positive influence of medications manifested in limiting nitrosative stress, normalize homocysteine levels and the expression of NO-synthase. Revealed pathobiochemical effects, caused by the presence in the structure of these neuroprotectors of the thiol group, what allowing these medicines abridge oxidative damage to molecules and increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide in ischemia.


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How to Cite

Horbachovа S. V., Bielenichev, I. F., & Abramov, A. V. (2015). Influence of thiol antioxidants on manifestation of endothelial dysfunction in cerebral vessels in rats with disturbance of cerebral circulation. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, 17(2).

