




new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid KGM-5, model of closed craniocerebral injury, neurological deficit, central nervous system state, cognitive functions


Introduction. Cerebroprotectors and nootropics are widely used for cognitive disorders treatment in the complex therapy of craniocerebral injury (ССI).

The aim of the study − to investigate the cerebroprotective activity of the compound KGM-5 – a new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid.

Research Methods. Closed CCI was reproduced in rats weighing 200–220 g under light ether anesthesia by free 0.1 kg weight falling along a vertical channel with an impact energy of 0.589 J per animal's head. 35 white non-linear male rats were used. Group 1 – intact control, group 2 – animals with CCCI (CP), groups 3, 4 and 5 of animals with CCCI, which were treated, respectively, with compound KGM-5 (30 mg/kg intragastrically (i/g), with comparison drugs hopantenic acid (150 mg/kg i/g) and piracetam (300 mg/kg i/g) for 3 days before and 5 days after CCCI. On days 1, 2, 3 after CCCI, the degree of neurological deficit (in points) according to the McGraw scale, on day 4 – the functional state of the CNS of animals in the open field test, on day 5 – cognitive functions in the extrapolation release test were determined.

Results and Discussion. Under the agents influence а neurological deficit decrease compared with CP group on the first and second days was established. In the "open field" test, motor and exploratory activity and the total amount of activities under the agents action were significantly higher. In the extrapolation release test KGM-5 improve rats’ cognitive functions.

Conclusions. On the CCCI model in rats cerebroprotective activity of compound KGM-5 was established by its ability to reduce the severity of neurological deficit during the first two days of pathology, prevent the locomotor activity decrease and improve cognitive functions of animals.


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How to Cite

Palagina, N. Y. (2021). CEREBROPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY OF A NEW DERIVATIVE OF 4-AMINOBUTANIC ACID IN EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS OF CLOSED CRANIOCEREBRAL INJURY. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 34–40. https://doi.org/10.11603/mcch.2410-681X.2021.i2.12236

